Saturday, November 28, 2015


(Yes I realize this is 2 posts the same day but I feel I gave a reasonable argument as to why in my last blog posts here)

So I was absent during this lesson so I'm going off of my neighbors notes and what the internet tells me so I may not be exactly correct. These videos really helped, and the redox reaction wiki page helped too.

Redox is a fancy name for an oxidation reduction reaction, and that's a fancy way of saying an atom is loosing electrons and another is gaining electrons. The anion is being reduced and is gaining an electron, and the cation is loosing an electron and being is oxidized. LEO says GER, Loosing Electron Oxidized, Gaining Electron Reduction. There is synthesis where 2 atoms come together, single replacement where the metal is replaced, decomposition where a compound is split, and combustion is when a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen gas the products are ALWAYS H2O and CO2. In order for the reaction to occur the charge on the ones that will replace each other must be equal.


  1. I like how you the same acronym as me for remembering which ion is oxidation and reduction, but I leaned it as LEO the lion says GER, not just LEO said GER. Otherwise, good explanation redox reaction.

  2. LEO says GER is a better and more interesting version of OILRIG, and the breakdown of RedOx was very good and ensightful
