Wednesday, May 11, 2016


ABANDON ALL SHIPS, EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES. LIMITING REAGENTS AND ITS NO GOOD. We learned the ideal gas law and oh boy. We have brought back reactions and everything its all tying together. Its well its interesting and highly complicated. Its not a good time Khan Academy Save Me...

Avocado's Gas Law

So now is the part where we go back to converting to moles but now we learn from gases to moles at STP (0 Degrees Celsius, 1 ATM) the conversion rate is 22.4L. Here is the Wiki page for avacados number. Its pretty basic just more moles more volume.

Charles Law

Next lesson was over Charles' Law, The formula for that is V1T2=V1T2 It is another one that isn't all that bad but I feel like over time they are going to add up and I'm gonna get them all tripped up in my head and mess up. Kahn Academy for assistance 

Gas Laws Intro

We just began the gas laws unit we stared with a fairly easy law that seems basic. We began with Boyle's law which is just P1V1=P2V2. A good way to remember this is Boyle's law doesn't boil because temperature stays the same. Here is an example of it from NASA!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ice Cream and Tie Dye

So we finished our tests I didn't do very well on it but we got to make tie dye and ice cream on the 2 block schedule days. It was fun the ice cream was good and my tie dye turned out fairly well, so I guess I got some pretty good compensation for not getting a great grade....

Brand New Unit!

We just began our new Unit Energy and Phase Change it seems pretty easy just some math not that much. Here are a few links that involve energy and phase change.
And here are some heating and cooling graphs

A Phase Change Graph 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Using Biodiesel

So now is the day where we actually get to use the Biodiesel that we had made, we are using them with a wick to create a flame to power a put-put boat engine. Ours managed to get second place which got us 10 extra credit points so thats awesome.
A video of our boat running

 A sideways picture of the boat
One of the slowest boats that were there, their boat filled halfway with water yet still managed to finish it was a site to behold.