Thursday, January 21, 2016


So I have figured out how to determine saturation, I was rather confused at first but it is actually pretty easy. If the question gives you a graph it is very easy, if it is over the line it is super-saturated, if it is on it is saturated, and if it is below the line it is unsaturated. Now if the question give you an example such as, Approximately 38 g of NaCl can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 25 C is saturated, a solution is prepared with 35 g of NaCl with 100 g of water at 25 C, what is it? It would be unsaturated due to it being lower than the given saturated solution.


  1. This post really helped me understand the graphs. One thing I would have liked was to see when it would be considered supersaturated, saturated, or unsaturated.

  2. Ian, I was also rather confused with this concept at first when it was on our packet then on our quiz. Your explanation of the relationship between the line and the placement of your dot from the descriptions really helped me understand better. I liked how you incorporated examples with the picture that you included, this was very helpful to see how it works. Thanks for the post!

  3. This post clarified how to read these graphs. I was very confused on how to read these at first but this post helped me very much.
