Friday, January 29, 2016

x = -b......

So we learned a new lesson today that involves, wait for it, the quadratic equation! You know that equation that you memorized for the one question in 8th grade, yeah.... The formula goes as follows
But yeah you use this during ICE box problems which they are not very fun, at all, I understand them however which is good. I need to study...
Purple Math

Monday, January 25, 2016


I was absent for the first lesson, I had some sort of allergic reaction which caused my eye to swell to the point that I was unable to open it. However I am better now so that is awesome, I missed our first lesson which was about conjugate acids and bases, I think I understand it, the acid gives an electron away and then becomes a conjugate base, and the base gains an electron and becomes a conjugate acid. Here's a few links I found helpful:
Wiki Page
Kahn Academy
Test Your Knowledge

Thursday, January 21, 2016


So I have figured out how to determine saturation, I was rather confused at first but it is actually pretty easy. If the question gives you a graph it is very easy, if it is over the line it is super-saturated, if it is on it is saturated, and if it is below the line it is unsaturated. Now if the question give you an example such as, Approximately 38 g of NaCl can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 25 C is saturated, a solution is prepared with 35 g of NaCl with 100 g of water at 25 C, what is it? It would be unsaturated due to it being lower than the given saturated solution.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lab Day 1 and 2

Toady in lab we are investigating the murder of Miss Scarlet. She was murdered with a solution of unknown identity or molarity, that's where we come in. It is our job to find the identity of the poison used and the molarity. In our lab we combined the unknown solution with sodium carbonate to form a solid then filtered all the remaining liquid out and then dried it to find the mass of the solid formed in order to get the molarity.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


So the Quiz didn't go to hot, I wasn't all that ready for it and although I studied I didn't know quite a bit. I got a pretty low grade, I didn't get the super-concentrated and all that type of stuff. I have to study dilutions quite a bit too, because I didn't really get them. (UPDATE: Shout out to Gannon for helping me understand it better.) I got some work to do...

Friday, January 8, 2016

First Lesson

Today was our first lesson of the new unit and more importantly the new semester. We are learning about molarity which just sounds like a weird way to get to moles for stoichiometry problems. Anyways it doesn't seem to complicated yet, so I'm hopeful.
Links to help!
Molarity Vs Moles 
Molar concentration
Aqueous solution
Unique Features of Aqueous Solutions
And for checking your answers,
Molarity Calculator

Dilution Lab

In lab today we put food coloring in water to show how dilutions work. While it wasn't the funnest lab it did get the point across by giving us an idea of how to set up those types of problems. The way you set up the problems is M1 V1=M2 V2.