

177.441 ml of Cocoa                                                 315.451 ml of flour

2.46446 ml of  baking soda                                       4.92892 ml of vanilla

157.725 ml of vegetable oil                                       1.23223 ml of salt

118.294 ml of boiling water                                      473.176 ml of sugar


Stir Cocoa  and baking powder into a bowl. Blend in half of the vegetable oil, Add boiling water; stir until mixture thickens. Stir in sugar eggs, and remaining vegetable oil; stir until smooth. Add flour, vanilla and salt, bled thoroughly pour into a greased 33.02 x 22.86 cm (or closest pan to this measurement) Bake at 1776.667 (Degrees Celsius)  for 25-30 minutes

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