Sunday, April 17, 2016

Using Biodiesel

So now is the day where we actually get to use the Biodiesel that we had made, we are using them with a wick to create a flame to power a put-put boat engine. Ours managed to get second place which got us 10 extra credit points so thats awesome.
A video of our boat running

 A sideways picture of the boat
One of the slowest boats that were there, their boat filled halfway with water yet still managed to finish it was a site to behold.

Making Bio-Diesel

We are now making Bio-Diesel with chick-fil-a frier oil, and everything smells like pickles from there.  We are also adding some chemical to separate the fuel from glycerine. It was really interesting seeing how the layers separate.


So today we started making our video to promote the usage of Bio-Diesel, we are planning on making a mach cooking show where we make bio-diesel it was a pretty good idea and I feel the video went fairly well actually.  We get to make actual bio-diesel next so that should be fun.