Friday, February 26, 2016


This quiz is gonna be easy I studied a lot, I know what I'm doing and I'm confident. All the stuff we have learned is fairly easy but I'm just waiting for that curveball that she throws at us that messed me up. Edit well I got a bloody nose half way through it which wasn't fun so I had to run to the bathroom fix that then come back and finish. EDIT2 I GOT A REALLY GOOD GRADE :))))

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Quantum Numbers (Sounds Fancy, not that hard)

Today we learned about Quantum numbers which sound scary but really its just the identity of the atom and its electrons. Its just a few simple rules you have to remember about it for example if the electron config is 2P3 you take the first number and move it over so its 2 then the next would be the P which is equal to a 1 (S=0 P=1 D=2 F=3) and then it gets a little tricky you have to make an Orbital map. So in this case  it would be a 1 and then the election ends with a positive spin so its +1/2. So the quantum numbers would be 2, 1, 1, +1/2.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Today we watched a video, it was interesting. It was about fire works and how the colors work when the metals burn and how they get all the special effects on them which is pretty cool truly. It also was cool because we had a basic concept due to our Flame Lab it was also just a nice break because well we got to watch a video and this is the first time, ever.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Flame Lab

So today we did a fun lab, we took a bunch of different salt solutions and then burned them. They all produced really beautiful colors so it was quite interesting.  It seems that my phone messed up so ill be pulling all my images from google.)
So this was what the copper burning looked like. 

This was the Sodium.

(By far my favorite) Lithium.


And last but not least Potassium

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

First Lesson

So today was our first lesson of the new unit! Today we learned about energy, wavelength, and speed! It was a semi easy lecture, theres just a few constants (Speed of Light and, Planck's constant) She says that this unit is easier than the last so I'm excited (and my grade is too...) I'll look up a few good videos for this unit/lesson and add them later.

Monday, February 15, 2016


I feel that I did pretty well on this tests, Im not quite sure really. I felt like I knew all of it and I didn't guess on more than one, but you never can be sure with these tests. I was really hoping that wed have a snow day Thursday so I would have 5 days to study and prepare but I tried my best so theres nothing more that I could have done.

Molar Mass of an Unknown Acid

This lab was very similar to the vinegar lab. We began by titrating KPH again to standardize the base. Then we proceeded to dissolve some of this unknown solid acid in water then we had to heat it and stir it as it is rather insoluble. We then titrated it however this would turn pink and then it would change back to clear. In the end our results were very good as we got about 179 and the actual mass was close to 180. Later we were told it is none other than the acetylsalicylic acid that we had cooked up at the beginning of the year! 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Vinegar Lab

In this lab we titrated a measured amount of KPH dissolved in water. This was done in order to standardize our base of NaOH and get its molarity. After this was done we then titrated some vinegar. It was very interesting seeing the solution change color and then change back. I enjoyed this lab greatly. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


So we found out the grade on our quiz today, I got a 66.6% which means I missed 1/3 of all of them which is.. unfortunate. I felt i got all the math problems right it was just a matter of me not getting the actual knowledge about acids and bases, I will update once I get my quiz back.